DIYPhotography Publishing Guidelines

Here at DIYPhotography, we aim to hold a high standard of journalism. Below you can find the Publishing Principles that guide us.

  1. Accuracy: We aim to ensure that all content published on our blog is accurate, relevant, and up-to-date. We research all our articles and fact-check before going live.
  2. Authenticity: We believe in showcasing genuine, authentic content. The photo, video, and art work displayed on DIYP are either owned by us or properly credited to their respective authors.
  3. Respect for Copyright: We respect intellectual property rights. Any material we don’t own or haven’t created in-house is either used under license, with permission from the owner, or under the Fair Use provisions of copyright law.
  4. Transparency: We believe in transparency and disclose any sponsorships, partnerships, or affiliations that might influence the content we publish. Our team members have their own opinions, which they are encouraged to share. We commit to being transparent when we voice opinions rather than facts.  
  5. Objectivity: Our content aims to provide objective and balanced views on the topics we cover. We are open to various perspectives and welcome respectful, constructive dialogue from our readers. When we share an opinion, we will clarify that its an opinion.
  6. Accessibility: We aim to make our content accessible to as wide an audience as possible. This includes ensuring our site is user-friendly, using clear and comprehensible language, and, where possible, providing alternate text or descriptions for images and videos.
  7. Respect and Inclusivity: We strive to respect all individuals and groups in our content. We do not tolerate content that discriminates, harasses, or otherwise harms individuals or groups based on race, religion, gender, age, nationality, or any other protected characteristics.
  8. Privacy: We respect our readers’ privacy. We will only publish identifiable photos or videos if we obtain the necessary consent. Our privacy policy details how we use and protect your personal data.
  9. Continuous Improvement: We are committed to improving our blog continually. We welcome feedback and suggestions from our readers to help us maintain and improve the quality of our content.

If you want to learn more about our vision, or meet the team, head over to our about page.

Statements and Policies